The topics of REHADAT
REHADAT focuses on six key topics under the motto „Vocational Participation & Inclusion of People with Disabilities“. These topics can be found in the REHADAT portals, in sections of the portals or in independent web applications. All topics are interlinked across all areas. The most important REHADAT topics are presented below.
The content of the page at a glance
All topics at a glance
Assistive products & technical work aids
How and with which assistive products and technical work aids can work be made accessible for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses? You will find extensive information on this topic in several places in REHADAT.
REHADAT offers on the topic „Assistive products & technical work aids"
REHADAT-Assistive Products
The REHADAT Assistive Products portal offers product overviews with images and addresses of manufacturers and distributors, information on the provision and financing of assistive products as well as access to the SHI assistive products directory and the worldwide EASTIN network. -
The REHADAT-ICF-Guide portal offers an activity-related search option for practical examples, assistive products and literature based on the structure of the ICF classification. -
Assistive Products Finder - Only available in German
The "Assistive Products Finder" web app offers easy access to assistive products: With the help of Ariadne, the digital search assistant, you can find the product you are looking for by answering a maximum of 4 questions. -
GKV-Hilfsmittelverzeichnis - Only available in German
In the web app "GKV-Hilfsmittelverzeichnis", REHADAT provides a complete and up-to-date overview of the GKV aids directory. It lists products that are generally covered by statutory health or long-term care insurance. -
REHADAT-Good Practice - Only available in German
The REHADAT Good Practice portal uses specific examples from companies to show how assistive technology and technical work aids can be used for barrier-free and needs-based work organisation. -
REHADAT-Car Adaptation - Only available in German
The REHADAT-Car Adaptation portal lists driving schools and conversion companies and provides useful tips on the subject of motor vehicles and driving.
Working life
What support services can companies take advantage of when training, hiring or continuing to employ people with disabilities and chronic illnesses? You will find practical information, tools and funding opportunities on this topic in REHADAT.
REHADAT offers on the topic „Working life"
REHADAT-Talentplus - Only available in German
The REHADAT-Talentplus portal offers practical knowledge for companies and employees. It describes typical measures in company fields of action, funding opportunities and contact points. -
REHADAT-Good Practice - Only available in German
The REHADAT Good Practice portal shows concrete examples of work organisation and the use of technical aids, inclusion agreements and entrepreneurial activities.
Education & qualification
What opportunities, support services and contact points are there for young people with disabilities and chronic illnesses during the transition from school to training and work? Young people and their relatives, educational professionals and other support staff can find extensive information on this topic in REHADAT.
REHADAT offers on the topic „Education & qualification"
REHADAT Education - Only available in German
The REHADAT Education portal provides information on finding a career and training for young people with special needs. -
REHADAT-Sheltered Workshops - Only available in German
The REHADAT-Sheltered Workshops portal provides information on training and qualification opportunities in workshops for people with disabilities (WfbM). -
REHADAT-Providers of Seminars - Only available in German
The REHADAT Providers of Seminars portal lists organisations that offer training courses in the field of occupational participation and inclusion.
Support & compensation
What support is available for companies that employ people with disabilities or chronic illnesses and for the employees themselves in order to create training and jobs or secure employment? What is the equalisation levy & employment obligation all about? You can find comprehensive information on this topic in REHADAT.
REHADAT offers on the topic „Support & compensation"
Support - Only available in German
The " Support" section of the REHADAT-Talentplus portal provides an overview of the specific funding opportunities for the recruitment, employment and training of people with disabilities and chronic illnesses. -
REHADAT-Compensatory Levy - Only available in German
The REHADAT compensation levy portal provides comprehensive information on the compensation levy and companies' employment obligations.
Addresses & contacts
What different service providers, organisations and institutions, advice centres or educational establishments actually exist in the field of vocational participation & inclusion? You will find overviews of all the players, counselling structures and special institutions in various places in REHADAT.
REHADAT offers on the topic „Addresses & contacts"
REHADAT-Addresses and Advice - Only available in German
The REHADAT addresses portal lists contact details of advice centres, service providers, associations, inclusive companies and other organizations that support people with disabilities and companies in occupational participation and inclusion. -
REHADAT-Sheltered Workshops - Only available in German
The REHADAT-Werkstätten portal contains the addresses of workshops for disabled people (WfbM) and provides information on the products and services offered by all recognized WfbM and workshops for the blind. -
REHADAT-Providers of Seminars - Only available in German
The REHADAT seminar provider portal lists addresses and training courses offered by seminar providers in the field of occupational participation and inclusion. -
REHADAT-Car Adaptation - Only available in German
The REHADAT-Car Adaptation portal lists addresses of driving schools, conversion companies and provides useful tips on the subject of cars.
Knowledge: Encyclopaedia, law, literature, research & statistics
Where can you find summarised knowledge, explanations of terms, the debate, publications & documentation, legal bases & case law, findings from research projects, current developments, facts & figures from the field of occupational participation & inclusion? You can find comprehensive information on this topic in several REHADAT portals.
REHADAT offers on the topic „Knowledge: Encyclopaedia, law, literature, research & statistics"
Research and pilot projects related to all areas relevant for the participation and inclusion in working life of people with disabilities. -
REHADAT-Knowledge - Only available in German
The online guides in the REHADAT Knowledge series provide information on the effects of various chronic illnesses and disabilities in working life - and give tips on how work can be designed to be inclusive and needs-based. -
Lexicon from A-Z - Only available in German
The REHADAT lexicon explains all the important technical terms that play a role in the implementation of occupational inclusion & participation. Each lexicon article also contains a computer-generated translation of the summary into plain language. -
REHADAT-Jurisdiction and Law - Only available in German
The REHADAT-Jurisdiction and Law portal contains the most important laws and regulations of labor and social law in full text and continuously documents judgments and decisions on occupational participation and inclusion. -
REHADAT-Literature - Only available in German
The REHADAT literature portal lists publications on the topic of "Occupational participation & inclusion" in standard and plain language. Around a third of all literature references lead directly to the online publication via a link. -
REHADAT-Statistics - Only available in German
The REHADAT-Literature portal offers a separate section in plain language. Here you will find texts on six topics written in plain language. Many of them have a link directly to the online publication.